Patio & Driveway Cleaning

Patio’s can cost a lot of money and they require constant maintenance. Let us help you keep your patio looking fresh and clean, with a solution that lasts.

Patio & Driveway Cleaning in North Wales

  • A solution that lasts

    We use a gentle process which reduces damage to your patio or driveway. Applied with a brush or spray hose, we leave the chemical to work and thoroughly rinse. We also have the option of applying a biocide treatment which adds longevity to the clean and reduces the re-growth time of moss, algae and lichens.

  • Suited to your needs

    We know that a one-size-fits solution may not work for everybody. That’s why we offer a treatment that will work better for your patio or driveway. Let us help get the best out of yours all year round.

 Our Work

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